For Women’s History Month, learn about the early activities of women in Cambria County and how their legacy lives on today.

The Johnstown Art League – Founded October 8, 1897.
The Johnstown Art League is the oldest continuously operating women’s club in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The Art League focused on all the arts including dance, theater, traditional arts, sculpture, and architecture.
The library has had the previlege of digitizing all of their minutes books, attendance records, and other realia.

The Elizabeth Lindsay Davis Club – Founded May 14, 1904.
On May 14, 1904, fifteen colored women met in the home of Mrs. Lena Harris on Adams Street to organize the Elizabeth Lindsay Davis Club in Johnstown.
The women of the city provided fertile ground for the ideals of the Natipnal Association of Colored Women’s Clubs (N.A.C.W.C. )to “elevate and dignify colored womanhood” and to foster “moral, mental and material progress. The women decided to take the name of a well – known National Organizer. Mrs. Davis was an educator, an “ardent club woman” of Illinois and chairwoman of the History Committee of the N.A.C.W.C.
Learn more about the Elizabeth Lindsay Davis Club .
The American Association of University Women – Johnstown Branch – Founded October 23, 1923.
Originally organized as the Women’s College Club, in 1923 the group affiliated with the national organization of the American Association of University Women.
In 1988, the Johnstown Chapter researched and published the book, “Women of Cambria County.”
The book is available online at the Branches webpage.
The library has also digitized all materials associated with the branch that can be found on the Cambria Memory Project webpage.